SearchBy App
Take control of the knowledge stored in your company's documents.
Accelerate document research by up to 95%!

Search the way you like
Your (new) favorite search method
Natural language search makes using Searchby as easy as using Google search, but better because it focuses solely on the documents that matter to you!
Searchby highlights the keywords found in a given document.
You can specify which expression/word should appear together with another in the search results or exclude certain expressions from the search results using the conjunctions 'and,' 'or,' and 'not'.
Searchby will notify you when it doesn't find documents containing the exact phrase you searched for, but there are documents that contain a part of it.
The scoring system displays the most relevant answers at the top.
The found phrases or sentences, if present in the documents, are displayed at the top of the list.

Think about how much time you spend recreating documents that have already been created by someone in your company, and finding them again seems nearly impossible. With the Searchby application, finding similar documents takes just a few minutes. You can successfully utilize them in your work without wasting time on their recreation.
Search faster, saving up to 95% of the time spent on research.

Build your own search dictionary.
You decide how much advantage Searchby gives you.
By introducing individual tags into the search engine, you provide Searchby with instructions on how to search for documents in the future.
Every team member can benefit from accessing the shared knowledge base of the entire organization.
Automatic archiving Tagingdocuments and annotating document images facilitate faster retrieval of essential data such as hearing dates, names, and contact phone numbers.

Searchby is an intuitive search of the content stored in the documents.
Queries in natural language.
Searchby finds any desired phrase and suggests similar documents from the law firm's database or publicly accessible case law database, all in the context of your case. Simply enter the desired text in the search field, and Searchby will show you photos or other documents where the searched phrase appears and compare the records with other available documents.
Scoring of results
The scoring system displays the most relevant answers at the top.
The found phrases or sentences, if present in the documents, are displayed at the top of the list.
Searchby will inform you when it doesn't find documents containing the exact searched phrase, but there are documents that contain a part of it.
Automatic document archiving.
When it is necessary to digitize large volumes of paper records or when you work remotely and the entire team adds documents from different locations, Searchby will help standardize the way documents are described.
During the process of adding documents to the database, the system will automatically describe each document according to the tag dictionary you have previously set. This ensures that each document can be easily found in the future.
You can find more about this functionality on the website: Automatic Document Archiving
Finding information faster by 95%?
If you use Searchby, you are light years ahead of other lawyers using traditional search methods.
We've done a study of lawyers who use Searchby and those who don't. Lawyers who have used Searchby have saved up to 200 hours a year on law research. Get those hours back with us.
OCR scanner
Thanks to the latest technology of scanning text from the image (OCR), Searchby guarantees real-time access to the knowledge hidden in the photos of documents. It doesn't matter what quality the photos are - taken with a phone or in the form of an image from a scanner.
SearchBy can flawlessly indicate any phrase you are looking for in any photo in the entire photo database of your organization's documents.
Automatic document tagging
By introducing individual Tags-attributes into the search engine, you give Searchby instructions on how to describe individual documents later added by each of your team members.
Thanks to this, you will avoid describing documents added by the team in a way that is incomprehensible to others.
Thanks to this, each team member will easily find documents in the future.
Own document database or public.
Thanks to the connection with public databases of court decisions, you can search available databases of court decisions in the context of your case and compare them with documents from your database.
Work as before, but better
Starting with the Searchby application, you do not have to change your habits. Keep the documents where they are.
If it is a cloud drive, all you have to do is give our application access to selected folders so that it can search their contents according to the search criteria you enter in the Searchby search window.