The Future is Now
More and more customer interactions are taking place through digital platforms. To achieve a true digital transformation, along with the rapid increase in unstructured data, a "game-changer" technology is needed. This technology will allow accessing currently inaccessible information stored in various document formats and delivering it to the right recipients when they need it.
We transform documents into knowledge.
We utilize OCR techniques and machine learning for automatic document analysis and data extraction. We transform PDF files, documents, and their images into structured knowledge, providing users with instant access to information when they need it.
Wybierz proces do automatyzacji:
Przyśpiesz wydobywanie informacji z dowolnych dokumentów nawet o 95%
Odpowiada w czasie rzeczywistym na pytania Twojego zespołu na podstawie firmowych dokumentów.
What we do
Automatic document analysis, data collection, and distribution.

Data searching
Searchby automatically filters and searches for information stored in documents based on the specified search criteria, which can be a word, phrase, or text fragment.

Virtual Data Room
The function of automatically grouping photos in a selected directory into a single document makes it easier to search through its content in real-time. This feature is very useful when you need to quickly access information within multipage contracts or documents.

Document analysis
Searchby utilizes OCR techniques and machine learning for automatic document analysis and data collection. This way, we transform PDF files, documents, and their images into structured knowledge, providing users with instant access to information when they need it.

Information triage
Searchby może wykorzystywać sztuczną inteligencję do automatycznego wyodrębniania w czasie rzeczywistym danych z dokumentów oraz przekazywać ustrukturyzowane dane we wskazane miejsce.
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Pokażemy jak przekształcamy dzięki Generatywnej Sztucznej Inteligencji procesy w firmach.